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Logical & Creativity

CALC ( Creativity and Logical Competition ) is a Junior High School Design and Programming Competition that held in Sutomo 1 Medan

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We announce all information through Instagram, so make sure you are following us to get all information about the events


All of our events are documented into a video format and uploaded into our Youtube Channel.

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Boost Your Knowledge with CALC!

CALC (Creativity and Logical Competition) is an intra-school Competition that held by SMP Swasta Sutomo 1 Medan.

CALC has two Competition Category ( Programming and Design ). In each Category, it will be two Round: Qualification Round and Final Round.

0 th


This is our 4 th year organizing CALC Competition.

25 +


More than 700 students have participated in this competition.



Created 30 Champions, Will you be the next?

Programming Competition

Programming Competition is one of the CALC Competition Category. This year, the Competition is being held Online. In this competition, participants will be tested their ability to think Logically and Systematic in solving Computational Problems using C / C++ / Python Programming Language. Participants will be required to use the right algorithms and data structures to solve every problems.
You can take a look for the result from the Scoreboard.

Programming Competition Winners

The winners of CALC 2021 - Programming Competition

Rank 1

Carlsson Khovis


Score: 840

Rank 2

Stanley Owen


Score: 790

Rank 3

Chloe Atipinati Djohan


Score: 780


Justin Maximillian Kimlim


Score: 680

Design Competition

Design Competition is one of the CALC Competition Category. This year, this competition is being held Online. In this competition, participants will be tested their ability to think Creatively to create Designs using Photoshop with the rules given by the Committee. Take a look for the Designs that have been created from our Instagram. Check it out !

Design Competition Winners

The winners of CALC 2021 - Design Competition